Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We Did It Our W-Eh

Here's one I bet Ripplin over at Another Crazy Vinyl Blog will appreciate seeing- if he doesn't already have it in his collection. Given where it comes from, odds are he does. What this is is a Canadian group called The Town Pumpers. The town in question is none other than Vancouver, BC, and the Town Pump in question seems to equate to something like a CBGB - the late '80s and early '90s seemed to be its time, from what teh Googlez shows me.

This album is from 1971 and spotlights the talents of Irish "ex-gold miner" Marty Gillan and then-drummer's wife and mother-of-five Karen O'Bray. They do a typical melange of what the liners describe as "comfortable 'now' sounds" that "hang out and come together." And it sure's brought some unusual songs together to hang out: only on albums like these can you hear Neil Diamond and Frank Sinatra songs together with originals.

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